What is an AHT?
An Accredited Hand Therapist:
is an AHPRA* registered Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
has demonstrated an advanced level of competence in hand therapy
has undertaken over 300 hours of advanced upper-limb education and assessment; a one-year mentorship; and has a minimum of 3600 hours in hand therapy clinical practice
has been assessed as qualified and competent to provide safe, evidence-based diagnosis, advice and treatment, and
is awarded the credential of Accredited Hand Therapist by the Australian Hand Therapy Association Credentialing Council.
*Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
To become an Accredited Hand Therapist (AHT), as awarded by the Australian Hand Therapy Association (AHTA) Credentialing Council, you must undertake Accreditation – also known as Credentialing.
The Australian Hand Therapy Association Credentialing Council is a committee of the AHTA, responsible for the regulatory framework for the scope of practice of Hand Therapy in Australia. In fulfilling its function, it provides recommendations to the AHTA Board to admit Accredited Hand Therapists (AHT) as Members of the Association, and allow the use of the post-nominal of AHTA Accredited Hand Therapist by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
The Australian Hand Therapy Association Credentialing Council acts to ensure that the Accredited Hand Therapist credentialing and regulation processes are efficient, effective, equitable, accountable and transparent and to promote public safety, quality and professional standards for the advanced scope of practice of Hand Therapy for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists in Australia.