Research surveys
Will the AHTA distribute my research survey?
We may agree to distribute online research surveys, once via email to members and twice in eNews, provided the:
- researcher is a Member of the AHTA, NZHTA, AHSS, SESA or a Member of an affiliated Association of the IFSHT or IFSSH
- research is relevant to hand therapy
- survey contains participant information within the survey or as an information sheet (submit to the office with your request if applicable)
- research has ethics approval (refer below)
- survey is approved by the Research Committee to be of high quality and support research in to hand therapy.
What are my obligations?
The researcher must:
- Acknowledge the assistance of the AHTA in all information and publication/s
- Provide a copy of the completed paper for the AHTA library
- Present research findings at an AHTA conference, meeting or national webinar or provide a written summary for the AHTA newsletter.
- Pay the AHTA the sum of $55 prior to distribution of the survey via eNews for non-AHTA Members. No fee for AHT Members of the AHTA.
How do I apply to the Research Committee?
The researcher must email the office with:
- a statement regarding their membership status – Are you a member or non-member?
- Ethics approval
- a Participant Information Sheet and
- the survey questions (in word/pdf format) including a link to the survey.
If all of the above are not received, the application will not proceed.
You will be notified of the outcome within 6 – 8 weeks, depending on the timing of application and the date of the next Research Committee meeting.
Ethics Approval
Ethics approval is required for any research (including surveys) that sources information from human participants. This is true whether the information is being used for a presentation to a special interest group or surgeons even if the findings are not for publication or a research project.
Click here for further information detailing "What Human Research Requires Ethics Approval?" from the University of Newcastle.
There is a list of ethics committees that are registered by the NHMRC but a member of the research team would need to be affiliated with the relevant organisation to apply for approval.