Applicants with International Hand Therapy Qualifications
If you are an overseas-trained AHPRA registered Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist and you wish to practice hand therapy in Australia, you do not need to hold any additional qualifications.
By joining the AHTA you will become a member of the national peak body for hand therapy in Australia and have access to continuing education, professional development, networking, and representation at state and national levels.
You can apply for associate membership of AHTA at this link.
If you hold additional hand therapy qualifications (certification/accreditation/higher degree) and wish to become an AHTA Accredited Hand Therapist, you can apply to the Credentialing Council for assessment of your qualification as credit toward the Accredited Hand Therapy (AHT) Credential.
The AHT is based on assessed hand therapy competencies.
As such, your qualifications must demonstrate assessed hand therapy competencies which align with the AHT framework. You will be required to show how you have maintained those competencies through continuous professional development and clinical practice. Applications will be assessed on a case by case basis.
A 12-month period of mentorship with an AHT, and 3600 hours of clinical practice in the 5 years prior to your application, will be the minimum requirement for all applicants.
Applications for assessment of overseas hand therapy qualifications should be directed to:
AHTA Credentialing Council via the AHTA office email: enquire@ahta.com.au