
This page provides the resources and forms required for an application for accreditation or re-accreditation.

Please view or download. 

Accreditation forms and resources 

Mentorship - Guide for Mentors

Mentorship - Guide for Mentees (coming soon)

HTCC Mentorship Handbook

This handbook includes HTCC Skills Assessment Checklists for completion and submission with your application. 

Refer AHT04 below for example.

AHT01 Mentoring Contract and AHT01-A HTCC Skills Assessment Tool

AHT02 Mentorship Log and AHT02 Mentoring Log Section B Case Study Examples

AHT03 Mentorship Verification Form

AHT04 HTCC Skills Assessment Checklist Example

AHPRA Registration Details This link will take you to the AHPRA website. Please enter your AHPRA number or search for your name and print your details.  This will include your date of registration, which is not included on your certificate.  

AHT06 Employment Verification Form

Re-accreditation forms

RAC01 Verification of Work Hours Form

RAC02 CPD Education Form

RAC02a CPD Reflection Activity Form