Education Committee
The Education Committee supports the advancement of hand therapy by promoting best practice and quality education to meet the needs of and maintain a standard of learning for the membership. To advance professional practice in hand therapy through best practice: in education, research and accreditation.
Current members of the committee include:
- Helena Hayes - Committee Chair and Education Officer
- Andrea Bialocerkowski - Credentialing Council Liaison
- Michele Chim - Deputy Education Officer
- Sally Colwell - Course Development Coordinator
- Stacey Cross - Course Accreditation Coordinator
- Shanna Mahomed - Course Elective Coordinator
- Rachel McDuff - Course Accreditation Assistant
- Jade Webb - Digital Education Coordinator
- Anna Wishink - Course Elective Assistant
Assessment sub-commitee
- Jessica Holding
- Christina Mills
- Hayley McLellan
- Luke McCarron
To contact the committee please email the AHTA office.