
The AHTA awards four prizes annually at the national conference.

Refer to the By-Laws for details.

Download a list detailing the award winners here: Awards

The Jill Chapman Award 

This award is awarded to the author(s) of the best clinical free paper at the National Conference. 

The Australian Hand Surgery Society Award

This award is awarded to the author/s of the best research-free paper presented at the national conference.

The Leanne Breen Memorial Award

This award recognises the value and importance of poster presentations to the scientific program of the national conference. Mrs June Retallick (Leanne’s mother) donates each year towards this award.

The Founders Lecture Award

This award is granted in recognition of a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association, or the practice of Hand Therapy through office bearing, clinical excellence, research and publication, or education in hand therapy.

Founders Lecture Nomination Form